Sequenced Bake is a Blender add-on designed to streamline the process of baking animated materials. With this add-on, users can efficiently bake material sequences and pack them into sprite sheets or flipbook assets with a range of customizable options, enhancing their workflow and output quality.
Render Engine: Cycles. (Required)
This will pack all of the frames defined by the start and end frames onto the newly created sprite sheet.
The combined size of the cells will determine how large the generated sprite sheet will be. Example: If I have 64 cells of animation at 128x128, the generated sprite sheet will be 1024x1024.
Since many users continue to use older versions of Blender for compatibility reasons, I will provide updates for these versions as well.
New directories are created in the output path you defined for each of the map types to keep them organized. You can observe them populate during the baking process.
Blender might appear frozen or non-responsive while it bakes out the texture maps, but you will see the UI update.
Depending on the output size you choose for the images and the complexity of the material, some bakes may take longer than others.
This extension requests the following permission:
Saving and opening image files
Thank you for the feedback, I have found and fixed this issue. Please try v1.0.6 and let me know if you have any issues.
This doesn't work on the most updated version of blender or the second most. Not sure which i have. Are there other ways of generating an image sequence from an animated procedural texture?
Hello, I took a look and downloaded the latest version of blender 4.2.3 LTS and then did a clean install of the add-on. Everything seems to be working correctly however, I think the issue is that you are using EEVEE instead of CYCLES when you bake the material sequence. This add-on requires that you use Cycles. I will see about making it prompt to switch to cycles in the next update. Please let me know if this solves the problem. Thank you.
In this newest version of blender (4.2.3) the bake breaks the material. I run my image texture through an emission node and when I hit bake, it separates the original image sequence file from the material and bakes all the frames as white (my guess is that's the blank emission node). Is there any way to bake so it doesn't break the material?