It works like the primitives + edit poly from 3ds Max, which enables multiple tests without the undos!
A great addon, thank you! It's one of those essential workflow enhancers.
Instancing in Blender is a little awkward with multiple objects as part of a single instance, requiring multiple steps to create and work with. This addon massively improves the workflow to all instancing in Blender and in a very 'Blender' centric way. It would be great if this was the default workflow in Blender as it's far more user friendly.
Genial, la herramienta que más uso
This plugin is incredibly intuitive and makes grouping objects so much faster and easier compared to Blender's outdated 'collection' grouping process.
nice addon, very helpful thanks
Nice work. Really what Blender's collection system needed Just imagine, that Blender's "Background Scene" parameter would have offset and visibility option, so the addon could use that to represantate greyed out background context of general scene by linking it to "Library" Scene..
Simple and very effective.