Brilliant and straightforward design. Thank you!
One of Blender's disadvantages has been resolved.
Where were this addon all this time!!!!
The addon is incredibely useful for working with game assets and scenes. The only issue is that its default "tab" binding doesn't work nicely when using "Tab for Pie Menu" setting, and need to be unbound. I can get around it by using ctrl+shift+g, but It would be very useful to instead get the "edit instance" operator in the tab pie menu.
Just super duper excellent priase the Lord
@Shuimeng. I'm my case tabing to library reset blender to it's vanilla value regardless of my startup config.
HI, the plugin is very handy and makes up for some of blender's omissions. I'm currently having a problem with it, in non-rendered state it runs fine and is very responsive, but in rendered preview state the ungrouping gets stuck on a white screen, is it possible to fix this!
Can you report it in gitflic as an issue?