This add-on replaces Ctrl+G by its own functionality - creating groups using regular instances
In the add-on "Group" - it is an instance, that can be edited (in the scene called "Library") by pressing Tab
Ctrl+G - Make Group (Instance) from selected objects (F9 (adjust last operation) to set center of the group and set a name)
Tab - Opens group edit mode
Deselect everything and press Tab - Return to scene.
Ctrl+Alt+G - Ungroup
Ctrl+Shift+G - Advanced options like make single user, and change instance (Replace chair by another chair).
This add-on uses regular Blender instances, so you can send your blend file with "groups" made by this add-on, even if your co-worker haven't this add-on installed.
Take a look at my other goods: Synchronize Workspaces | Folds Modifier
Add walkaround for issue
This extension does not require special permissions.
A great addon, thank you! It's one of those essential workflow enhancers.
Instancing in Blender is a little awkward with multiple objects as part of a single instance, requiring multiple steps to create and work with. This addon massively improves the workflow to all instancing in Blender and in a very 'Blender' centric way. It would be great if this was the default workflow in Blender as it's far more user friendly.
I love it, keeps everything organized:D