Nice UI improvement. Hoping it can source GN setups in asset libraries as modifiers in the future.
Thanks for the review! Support for geomtry nodes modifiers is a long term goal, but I am not sure how to implemnt it on a technical level yet, or if its possiable.
Much more useful display of information, in my opinion! I have previously had to go without due to the old version not being maintained, so many thanks to Dan-Gry for this fork. Only wish for the ability to shift-click modifiers and display them at the same time, as well as drag&drop reordering when clicking on the icons. As a much larger request, I love the 'add gizmo' feature a lot, but wish it was extended to also support curves for the 'Curve Deform' or the fit curve mode of 'Array'. This way they'd already be in the right location, taking the guesswork out.
Thanks for the review!
To my knowlage, UI list can not have multiable iteam selected at once, so its not really possiable to show many modifiers at once, limation of the Blender python API. But perhaps it can be hacked in somehow? I will take a look.
Drag and drop is impossiable in the python api at the current state.
Expanding the Gizmo support would indeed be great!
Hello, how do I modify a modifier that has been overwritten by the Edit Mesh? For example, go back to the beginning and adjust the thickness of Solidify, just like 3Dmax
Hi, thanks for the review. The modifiers above the Edit Mesh modifier are in a "Frozen State", indicated by the snowflake icons on the right of the modifier in the list.
A un-frozen mode where you can still change the modifiers is planned, but it might have huge implications for perfomance, also I am kinda a bit stuck at some issues right now that would need to be solvde before it can be added.
It might also be part of a future new add-on, if even bigger changes are needed to make it work. Ultimately, its just workarounds and hacks for a feature that Blender is currently missing, for a more flexiable Modifier, it would need to be made in C++ and not Python.
Love it! Thanks
Bro where are the geometry modifiers. It is must to add them in the list
The old modifier list menu is more or less just a 1:1 copy of the code of the previous add modifier menu in Blender. That one did not support geomtry nodes modifiers either. While I would like to add it in the future, I am not sure how to do it on a techinical level, or if its even possiable at all.
If you know more how implemnting it could be done, feel free to submit a pull request:
Apply all does not work on 4.4beta error message: Python: RuntimeError: could not create instance of VIEW3D_OT_ml_apply_all_modifiers to call callback function 'invoke'