This is a fork of Modifier List by Symstract
Bug fixes:
Enhanced UI layout for managing many modifiers with handy features to make the modifier workflow faster. Also makes the modifier UI available in the sidebar and as a popup.
Smaller fixes and polish
Bug fixes generously contributed by Andrej730:
Fix errors running operators from scripts
This extension requests the following permission:
Save Add-on Prefrences
Nice UI improvement. Hoping it can source GN setups in asset libraries as modifiers in the future.
Thanks for the review! Support for geomtry nodes modifiers is a long term goal, but I am not sure how to implemnt it on a technical level yet, or if its possiable.
Much more useful display of information, in my opinion! I have previously had to go without due to the old version not being maintained, so many thanks to Dan-Gry for this fork. Only wish for the ability to shift-click modifiers and display them at the same time, as well as drag&drop reordering when clicking on the icons. As a much larger request, I love the 'add gizmo' feature a lot, but wish it was extended to also support curves for the 'Curve Deform' or the fit curve mode of 'Array'. This way they'd already be in the right location, taking the guesswork out.
Thanks for the review!
To my knowlage, UI list can not have multiable iteam selected at once, so its not really possiable to show many modifiers at once, limation of the Blender python API. But perhaps it can be hacked in somehow? I will take a look.
Drag and drop is impossiable in the python api at the current state.
Expanding the Gizmo support would indeed be great!
Apply all does not work on 4.4beta error message: Python: RuntimeError: could not create instance of VIEW3D_OT_ml_apply_all_modifiers to call callback function 'invoke'