Yes, that would be nice but unfortunately that is impossible with a python addon. That would require building your own version of Blender.
nice, it would be good to also change the lights color in the view port, as they are also a black wires mess
Yeah, that would be great. Unfortunatel that is impossible with a Python addon. Lights are hardcoded to use whatever you set them to be in your Theme settings. Personally I set them to be yellow but by default they are black. Same for cameras and I believe things like empties, force fields, lattices and other helper objects.
Awesome add-on really nice to keep the overview. would be even more awesome, if one could give different edges or vertices different colors. e.g the ears of the monkey one color the eyes second an the head it self a third even as it is all the same object. would be nice for complex wire frames to keep the overview.