Yeah, that would be great. Unfortunatel that is impossible with a Python addon. Lights are hardcoded to use whatever you set them to be in your Theme settings. Personally I set them to be yellow but by default they are black. Same for cameras and I believe things like empties, force fields, lattices and other helper objects.
I cannot activate it under Blender 4.2.1: "CPU dispatcher tracer already initlized" Please add a github or something to submit issues. I don't want to cripple your ratings. (Yes, typo is copied from Blender :-D )
Hi Gilu, thank you for the message. Unfortunately I can not reproduct this problem. It works fine in 4.2.1 on my machine. Is it possible that it collides with some other addon?
I added a link where you can submit issues.
Nice mainly for the Set Random Color button. When using "Random Color" on selected objects, they all get random hue but also random saturation. Would have been nice to be able to set a specific saturation value before doing a random colors on a selection. Colors are (it's purely subjective) too vivid as it is. I tend to prefer the default Viewport Shading > Coloir > Random look, less saturated. Cheers. Thanks for dev. and share addons (b^-^)b
A specific saturation value for random colors sounds like a good idea. I will consider it for the next version. :D
This feature should be built-in Blender. It is vital. Thank you.
nice, it would be good to also change the lights color in the view port, as they are also a black wires mess