Blender (3.x+ / 4.x+) addon for generating and optimizing collision models for use in Source Engine games (ie. TF2, GMod, L4D2). Works best when combined with the Blender Source Tools.
Some features are customizeable and can be tweaked via optional settings. There is also a "Recommended Settings" button that will automatically guess the best settings for you based on the currently selected, active object.
Generate Collision Mesh - Generate a Source Engine-compliant collision model for every currently selected object.
Generate UV-based Collision - Generates a collision mesh for the currently selected objects, based on each object's UV Map. Each UV island becomes a separate hull.
Generate Fractured Collision - This operator uses the Cell Fracture addon built into Blender to generate more accurate and performant collision meshes for Source Engine. However, unlike the above operator, it is intended to be used on individual props, not entire scenes at once. Works best on fully sealed objects with no holes or non-manifold geometry.
Split Up Collision Mesh - Splits up selected collision models into multiple separate objects, with every part having no more than 32 hulls.
Merge Adjacent Similars - Merges convex hulls with similar adjacent hulls aggressively, lowering the final amount of hulls & producing a (potentially) less accurate, but more performant model. Similarity is based on the face count and volume of the hulls.
Remove Thin Hulls - Removes any convex hulls that are significantly smaller than all other hulls.
Force Convex - Forces all existing hulls in every selected collision model to be convex. Especially useful after using Blender's built-in Decimate modifier on an existing collision mesh, to ensure that any decimated hulls are still convex.
Remove Inside Hulls - Removes any hulls that are completely or almost completely buried inside other hulls.
Convex Cut - A combination of the Bisect and Convex Hull operators in Blender. This lets you cut up the model and at the same time convert the cut pieces into convex hulls. Can be found via the Mesh menu in Edit Mode.
Generate Source Engine QC - Automatically generate QC files for one or more collision model(s), allowing you to quickly compile them with batch compile tools out there (ie. Crowbar)
Update VMF - Updates a selected VMF file by automatically adding any partitioned/split-up collision models that haven't already been added to the map.
Export Hulls to Hammer .VMF - Converts hulls in the selected collision mesh(es) into Source Engine brush solids and exports them as a .VMF file that can be opened in Hammer.
New features:
This extension requests the following permission:
Export collision-related QC and VMF files
This Blender addon is an absolute game-changer! It makes generating and optimizing collision models for TF2, GMod, and L4D2 a breeze. The customizable settings and smart features like UV-based collisions and easy QC generation save tons of time. If you want your models to be Source Engine-ready in no time, get this addon now! Highly recommended!