Game Engine-style navigation for Blender's 3D Viewport (and optionally Node Editors).
Hold Right Mouse to enable 'Walk Navigation' and use the W, A, S, D, Q and E keys to navigate your scene.
Click Right Mouse to access the standard context menus.
A Time Threshold is available in the addon preferences, to adjust between a 'hold' and a 'click'.
The optional Node Editor mode binds panning to Right Mouse 'hold' and the Node Search/Context menus to 'click'. If a node is selected the standard Node Context menu will be called, if no nodes are selected, the Node Search menu will be called.
This addon supports both Left and Right Click Select, however, there is a known issue where the addon keymap is not updated after switching between Left and Right Click Select. The fix is to restart Blender, which should resolve all issues with the addon.
If you find a bug or are having issues with Right Mouse Navigation, you can:
and I will be able to follow-up with you and hopefully fix your issue!
Thanks to contributor roguesleipnir on Github there is now an option to Return to Orthographic View after navigation!
Update from within Blender: Edit > Preferences > Get Extensions > Right Mouse Navigation > Update
Report Issues on Github, Codeberg, or the official thread on BlenderArtists.
This extension does not require special permissions.
This is what I've been looking for! I'm new to blender and having difficulty moving around seamlessly and this fixes it. I'm an FPS gamer by default, so I feel quite comfortable with this. Thank you for creating this
I can't even begin to express how thankful I am for this add-on. Fixing problems on the inside of intricate meshes is a pain with the default navigation because you keep getting the camera out of the mesh, but moving with WASD makes it so easy.
The only problem I have with it is that you cannot change the speed of the movement, other than making it faster with shift. That makes it almost unusable when working on very small meshes (a few mm) like for 3D printing miniatures, because the lightest tap of the key sends the camera far away from it. It would be nice to be able to configure the speed in the preferences or even make it automatically adjust to the scene. Maybe based on the view > clip start/end, or by fetching some value of how Blender automatically sets the zoom speed?
Outstanding add-on anyway!
Thanks for the review!
You can adjust the speed during movement with the mouse wheel, the full range of controls is displayed on the Status Bar at the bottom of the page while you are navigating - credit where it's due, this is all behavior built in to Blender's existing Walk/Fly Navigation.
Having the speed adjust automatically based on the view is an interesting idea, I often have to crank the mouse wheel to switch between high speed for moving around the scene and low speed for zooming in on a model.
I'll take a look at if/how that could be implemented.
It's more convenient to work switching between unity and blender.