Hi, please try again in a new empty scene with a monkey and a empty mesh, then enter edit mode on the empty mesh and enable Snap (Shift Tab), the snapping should now work.
If it still does not, you can try this add-on I made that sets up everthing for you, just selecta a object and click "New Retopology at Active", and it should just work. https://extensions.blender.org/add-ons/key-ops-toolkit/
Here is a gif how it works: https://github.com/Dangry98/PolyQuilt-for-Blender-4.0/releases
It's a pretty good addon, however, the Space drag operation menu in 4.2 doesn't work when you set it to lasso or drag select.
Thanks for the review, please try update to latest version, it should now be fixed :)
don't work in Blender 4.2 :(. Error ( name_pq_operator_add_empty_object) is not defined
Hi, please restart Blende and try again, should hopfully work then. Also, make sure no older leagacy version of the addon is installed, since it can clash with the new version.
This addon is awesome. Thanks for bringing it to 4.2
So so useful, I'm happy it's fully functional for 4.2
It's not working for me. No matter what I do, the PolyQuilt tool just wont snap to the object surface.