All add-on functions can be enabled/disabled in the preferences
Alt Navigation - Navigate like in Maya
Dbl-Click to Select Mesh Island
Auto Delete - Instantly delete verts,edges and faces with no menu pop up with the Delete key
Maya Pivot - Pivot operation in Object mode that works similar to D in Maya
Toggle Retopology - One Click Toggle Retopology Overlay + settings and tool
UV Toolkit Panel - A collections of tools for the UV editor
Add Objects Pie - Faster way to add Mesh Primitivs, that also is automatically scaled relatively so it's never too big/small on the screen
Workspace Pie - Switch Workspace Faster
Cursor Pie - Better Pie Menu on Shift S with better pivot functinality then the defualt one
Fast Merge - Merges the active/selected verts to the vert nearest mouse position
Connect - Connects Edges/Faces like in Maya/3ds Max
CAD Decimate - Tool to decimate very high poly meshes
Auto LOD - Tool to quickly create LODs
Quick Bake Name - Tool to quickly create bake names for high and low poly objects
Toolkit Panel - Adds new Modeling and utility operations to to the Toolkit Panel
Snap to gridfloor - Snaps the selected objects to the floor, Hold Alt - Individual, and Ctrl for Fast Mode
Duplicate Linked Modifiers - Duplicates the selected objects and creates a modifier instance that will have the linked modifiers from the original mesh. This means any changes of the original mesh will be replaced on the new duplicated mesh in real time. This is also works in Modifier List, making it even more smooth to use!
Quick Export - Exports the currently selected meshes
Attributes Operations - Adds new buttons to the attributes panel, simplifies and makes it more similar to how adding/removing vertex groups works.
Material Index - Tool to sort and assign Material Indexes after a index list. Useful for when exporting models to 3ds Max when using multi materials.
Quick Bake Name is now up to 5x faster on Highpoly Meshes, note that the main bottleneck is still renaming the data block.
Offset UV should now work much more reliably, with hopefully no errors now in edge cases.
New Experimental Add Lattice Modifier Operation in the Add Modifier Pie Menu, that will setup everything in one click, the reason I made it despise a lot of similar addons, free and paid, is that I found none of them worked reliably and lack of options during the operation.
Polycount List - Now is up to 30% faster and has more options for filtering by collection, active collection, visible objects or the previous default All.
Updated for changes made in Blender 4.2.1
Alt Navigation has a new Table Navigation Mode, that makes it easier to navigate with a pen and tablet.
Cleande up the the toolkit panel layoute and made it look a bit more modern.
Many minor bug fixes and improvements
This extension requests the following permission:
Export/Import .obj files and use of temp folder
Every single feature that this add-on adds is really useful. Thank you!