Amazing addon but still somewhat buggy, perhaps it has conflicts with other Pie menus that I use, but no pie menu addon is perfect so far, would be nice to have one that can match the Maya radial menu. This one had issues with cameras when rightcliking nothing would show up. Overall I would love for this to develop, would even pay money to support development.
So, I really love this idea, but I wish there was an easy way to change it from right click, to right-click-drag so it doesn't mess up all my other shortcuts. Otherwise, it's great! Just a check box, or some kind of setting to easily adjust all the shortcuts would be awesome. I've tried to do it via the Keymap editor, but it's quite time consuming, and I'm not sure I got it all.
seems some things are bugged, when I select faces and try to click delete nothing happens, but it can be fixed and I see why this addon can be useful
Thank you for the review and feedback. I have fixed this in the version just released. It was due to an old reliance on the community pie menu extension.
Amazing add-on!
nice addon
this is the best addon for maya users