3 hotkeys to access most functionality as fast as possible. Brings pie menus to poly modeling, curve editing, uv mapping and animation. Replaces the traditional context menu with a pie menu, enabling many more functions on the same hotkey. Pie menus gets faster to navigate with muscle memory and lets you focus on the task at hand. Operations are sensibly placed across contexts. The top option will "Merge" in Edit mode, "Join" in Object mode and "Make Segment" between selected points in Edit Curve mode.
Right Mouse : Mode selection pie menu
Shift + Right Mouse: Context sensitive pie menu
Ctrl + Right Mouse: Pivots pie menu
Made with inspiration from an ancient Mayan pie recipe and works well with the industry compatible keymap.
This extension does not require special permissions.
I would like to point out two substantial improvements to the addon. The course should return to the center after selecting any option, so our cursor does not end up at the end of the monitor. The addon could work like the pie menu editor addon where I can configure the tools I want to use in my pie.
Thank you for the review! I do not think it is possible to control cursor position from an addon. Or at least I think it might be bad form. You could adjust the Radius and Threshold in the Preferences>Add-ons>Context Pie to make movement needed to select menu options smaller.
As for a menu editor, it is for now a little beyond my scope. I only add what I find it useful for my own workflow. I encourage you to fork the add-on if you want to change functions. And I welcome specific suggestions or missing features.
Improves the Workflow.