3 hotkeys to access most functionality as fast as possible. Brings pie menus to poly modeling, curve editing, uv mapping and animation. Replaces the traditional context menu with a pie menu, enabling many more functions on the same hotkey. Pie menus gets faster to navigate with muscle memory and lets you focus on the task at hand. Operations are sensibly placed across contexts. The top option will "Merge" in Edit mode, "Join" in Object mode and "Make Segment" between selected points in Edit Curve mode.
Right Mouse : Mode selection pie menu
Shift + Right Mouse: Context sensitive pie menu
Ctrl + Right Mouse: Pivots pie menu
Made with inspiration from an ancient Mayan pie recipe and works well with the industry compatible keymap.
This extension does not require special permissions.
why the menu is not working in weight paint , vertex paint , texture paint i try to change the change short cut keys nothing work
Simple answer is, I had not gotten to those yet :) chipping away at it. I have added them to Mode Selection pie menu on Right Mouse in the latest update. Feel free to create an "Issue" on github if you have specific features you want to see in the Context Pie on Shift + Right Mouse.
This is brilliant
Enormous UI improvement!