Camera Viewer
You can preview the camera view directly in the 3D viewport.
- Lock Camera.
- Preview Position.
- Allow transformations of the preview.
- Independent Overlay setting.

Camera Viewer Hotkey
- Toggle Camera Viewer - 'Alt + F1'
- Modify Camera Viewer - 'F1'
Modify Viewer Hotkey

- Scale Up - 'Mouse Move Up'
- Scale Down -'Mouse Move Down'
- Higher Quality - 'Scroll Up'
- Reduce Quality - 'Scroll Down'
- Reset Quality - 'R'
- Reset Size - 'S'
- Snap position to corner - 'Shift + Move to corner'
- Solid Mode - '1'
- Material Mode -'2'
- Rendered Mode - '3'
Camera Viewer Settings

- Cycles rendering is not supported.
- Background image in the camera is not supported.
- It is suggested that 1 viewport sample in EEVEE be used to achieve better performance.