Browser Scroll Resizer adds a shortcut for quickly resize File and Asset Browser using the wheel on the mouse.
Initial release. Shortcut for quickly resize File and Asset Browser using the Mouse Wheel like common OS File Explorer.
Add-on Preferences:
This extension does not require special permissions.
You can override the default shortcut to use the one you prefer, but that may conflict with blender internals. I'm working on a new version, and I will add some functionality to quickly override it to Ctrl. Thanks for yout review :)
Hey, great add-on, super useful! Wanted to give some feedback: If I change the keymap from alt-wheel to ctrl-wheel (to mimic how it works in windows), if by scrolling too much I change the display mode (thumbnails, list. etc.) then I cannot scroll back to change it. -I say this also because it would be super cool if this worked also with the same behavior of resizing the size of other editors, where by holding ctrl and scrool-wheel and then dragging to the left or to the right it smoothly resizes the window.
Hey, thanks for reaching out! Sadly that's why Alt shortcut was choose instead common Ctrl. As you saw if applied there is a conflict between current shortcuts for file manager using Ctrl.
I thought auto deactivate the shortcut or adding a bool option to deactivate the shortcut, but at the end I don't wan't the add-on to interfere and change your user settings without you realizing it, and modify user's workflow on other 2D areas.
Maybe adding a warning when trying to change for control, and then an option to remap the default conflicting keymapcan be a solution or just writing down the work-arrounds can be a good start to address this issue. Rigth now I don't see a cleaner way to implement this.
Definitely implementing support for "Ctrl + Mouse direction" is a nice addition. I will work on that.
A VERY handy add-on, kinda sucks that you can't use Ctrl+scroll like any other file explorer app, but it is what it is.