UV Toolkit is a set of tools for fast and high-quality creation of UVs for games and films in Blender.
This is a fork of the original UV Toolkit, a paid Blender add-on originally created by Alexander Belyakov. Unfortunately, the add-on is no longer available for purchase through online stores, making arguably one of the best generic UV add-ons inaccessible to new users.
Documentation: https://alexbelyakov.gitlab.io/uv-toolkit-docs/
Please note that this page may be removed or made private if/when Alex reinstates their storefronts, as the aim of this page is not to undermine the paid nature of the add-on, but rather to provide a tool no longer accessible through conventional methods. Additionally, this repository is well within the rights of GPL licensing to be created, but as stated earlier respect to the tool developer will be upheld in the event of the store pages returning. All help, resource, and original store page links for this tool can be found within the Help/Links tab in the add-on preferences after installing.
No changelog for this release.
This extension does not require special permissions.
Its very good!