Blender Addon for UV Editor which aims to cover all sorts of operators for working with UV
Quick Snap - allows you to transform an island or geometry elements by Vertex, Edge Center and Face Center. There are two methods of calling the operator via the keys:
Stack - overlap islands with similar geometry:
Weld - [W] connects selected vertices by common vertexes, if there is nothing to connect, it works as Stitch
Alt+Weld Button - connect by distance
Stitch - [Shift+W] connects islands to each other, preserving the islands' proportions. When called via keymap with sync enabled, the target island becomes the closest:
Unwrap - differs from the built-in operator in that it unwrap inplace.
Relax - combination of minimize stretch and unwrap borders.
Cut - [C] - sets mark seams by border selection and at the same time expands the island
Quadrify - [E] align selected UV to rectangular distribution
Straight - [Shift+E] straighten selected edge-chain and relax the rest of the UV Island
Sort - sorts islands, also aligns for more compactness.
Distribute - similar to Sort, but the goal is to arrange the islands evenly according to the original position
Crop - proportional tile filling
Fill - it is similar in everything with Crop, but without preserving the proportions
Orient - orients islands along the axes, maximally filling the area according to the boundbox. In a 3D viewport, it .
Orient3D - orients islands according to world coordinates.
Align - straightens, moves islands or vertices, places a 2D cursor on bound boxes, etc.
Random - randomly transforms islands to break down repetitive patterns.
Linked - [Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Scroll] - Select Linked
Cursor - Select by Cursor
Border - Select border edges
Border by Angle - Select border edges by angle from 2D
Inner - Select inner edges by mark sharps, angle
Square - Select square, horizontal or vertical island
SyncUVToggle - [~] toggle sync mode with element selection preserve
SplitUVToggle - [Shift+T] open, close, toggle UV or 3D View area
There is much more to UniV operators than you might think at first glance. Many operators are context-dependent, for example, on Sync state, selection mode (Verts, Edge, Face and Islands), as well as on pressed Ctrl, Shift, Alt (CSA) keys and combinations thereof.
That is, before pressing the LMB button press CSA, then other modes of the operator are called. And these modifications are subject to a certain logic, which in most cases works:
But you don't have to use the CSA keys, because a panel appears in the lower left corner where you can change the properties
Also, the addon doesn't impose its hotkeys on you, but you can easily enable them in Settings->Extensions->UniV->Keymaps. But some operators due to their specificity can be called only through keymaps (QuickSnap, SplitUVToggle, SyncUVToggle).
The addon is free, but you can support the author and purchase this addon from Blender Marketplace
This extension does not require special permissions.
Even though I have ZenUV, which has more features and some unique ones such as tagging finished UV islands, I'm using this addon as well. I love the UI of this addon and the features it has are solid. But I would love to see UVPackmaster support for the Packing feature.