Turn your low-poly creations into papercraft instructions with this Blender addon.
You no longer need any additional software or good faith in some automatic unfolding algorithm. PolyZamboni provides you with all tools necessary to create high quality paper models!
With the addon enabled, select any mesh object and navigate to the PolyZamboni panel in the viewport sidebar (toggle with 'N'
) and click on the Unfold this mesh
button. This starts the unfolding process of the selected mesh with no initial cuts.
Not all meshes can be processed by PolyZamboni. The following things prevent this addon from working for your mesh:
You will get a warning whenever one of these fail-cases occur and the option to select all faces that need to be fixed.
To transform your 3D model into printable mesh pieces that can be glued together to create an awesome paper model, you have to define where the mesh should be cut open and where to place flaps for glueing. You can edit cuts and glue flaps by entering Edit Mode
. Here, you have access to plenty of powerful tools:
Separate Materials
adds cuts between all faces that have different materials assigned to them.Auto Unfold
automatically adds cuts until the entire mesh can be unfolded. The algorithm tries to create loops of connected faces. You can choose whether these loops should wrap around the X
, Y
or Z
axis. You can also give a maximum number of connected faces.Remove Auto Cuts
removes all automatically added cuts. In case you are not happy with the results of the previously listed operation.Recompute Flaps
places glue flaps at all cut edges. The greedy algorithm tries to avoid overlaps of the printed pieces. There is also a toggle next to the button that lets you decide whether flaps should alternate along patch boundaries.Alt+C
opens the manual cuts pie menu. Here you can cut, clear or glue all selected edges. Glued edges can not be cut by the Auto Unfold
operator and have no other purpose. You can also select multiple faces and mark them as one connected region via the Define Region
operator. This automatically cuts all edges between selected and non-selected faces.Alt+X
opens the glue flaps pie menu. Here you can flip the glue flaps attached to all selected edges.PolyZamboni renders feedback on top of your models. Dotted lines on top of mesh edges indicate one of the following:
All connected face regions, separated by cut edges, are visualized via colored patches on top of mesh faces. These regions colored based on their quality:
Glue flaps are also visualized on top of faces at the position they will have in the papercraft version of your mesh. If any flap overlaps with something in the instruction, it will be colored red.
Once you are satisfied with your edits, you can export the paper model instruction. Go to File->Export->Polyzamboni Export PDF/SVG or just click in the respective buttons in the side panel. PolyZamboni lets you fully customize the instructions appearance. Here is a list of export options:
Tip: Model size and margins are measured in the units of the current blender scene. I recommend to set the scenes length unit to something like cm, unless you are planning to create huge models. Change this setting at Scene Properties->Units.
I am thrilled to see what you can create with this addon. Share your cool papercraft creations with me and the world!
This extension requests the following permission:
Export PDF/SVG to disk