Linz v1.3.5 4 d Absolutely incredible addon! It makes laying out scenes so much more fun and natural. I'm using it for 99% of my transformations now, and the physics tool is a huge timesaver. Thanks!
vb.motion v1.3.4 2 w Unique addon, I'm so happy I've found it! Thank you a lot!!! ACGGIT_LJ replied 2 w I'm glad you like it
KENKEN v1.3.1 2 w It is an amazing tool!! It helps a lot in my project. I wish it could have local and normal orientation in Transform Pro.
TT-8 v1.3.1 3 w 太棒了,历害。同时报一个错(blender 4.3):Transform Pro工具使用时,要挤出边,座标系在法线的情况下,拖动X轴或y轴,进行挤出,挤出的方向并不会尚着法线的X轴或y轴,而是沿着世界座标X或y轴的方向移动。这个很重要,法线方向的移动,在maya里可以
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