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Encode vertex animated textures (VATs) from your animated mesh for use in game engines and VFX. Bake any type of vertex animation: animated modifiers, animated geometry nodes, simulations, armature, shape keys, and more.
Exports an optimized VAT, a mesh with VAT-compatible additional UV set, JSON remapping data (to inform engine shaders), and optionally exports relative vertex normals in a secondary (VNRM) texture.
Install the satellite Unity package via Unity's Package manager for openVAT auto-import and setup tools for unity. Add via git with this URL -
-See README in documentation for more details on Engine Usage.
Running the tool automatically sets up the newly-created VAT on an included geometry node method to decode the VAT and provides an example implementation and instant preview to check the quality of the generated information.
Encoding directly from dependency graph vertex information, this vertex encoding method is fast, accurate, and extremely powerful. Geometry node animations and simulations can be captured and exported accurately to game engines. Relative color space in RGB is remapped to MIN-MAX per-channel to represent the best-possible use of spectral information in RGB.
VATs are typically used for CPU optimization in game engines. With careful implementation in engine shaders, effects such as clothing simulations, complex character/creature animation, interactive/animated environmental effects and more can be driven by VAT on GPU.
This extension requests the following permission:
Import/export VAT data from/to disk (in a location you specify)
Sorry for the confusion, in Blender itself, the vat preview is automatically generated- but at this time it runs from geometry nodes, not shader. When you create a new vat, a second object appears in scene myObject_vat. This IS reading the vat texture, just utilizing geometry nodes for vertex displacement in the same way a few engine would utilize a vertex shader (check out this automatically created geometry node group on the result '_vat' object for detailed notes and info)
My understanding is that since my last update of this tool, EEVEE now supports vertex displacement- so stay tuned and this will likely be an option in an update.
Is it possible to make it support EEVEE or Cycles? I want to try it for crowd animation.
This is done by default, after creating a vertex animated texture, by default it is automatically created as an EEVEE/Cycles shader. Feel free to reach out with any questions!
VAT is a name that i do not like personally ;). But this OpenVAT i really like
Very interesting addition. Thank you for your work! In one of the comments, the question was asked "Is it possible to make it support EEVEE or Cycles? I want to try it for crowd animation." You answered that this is done by default, but in my case no settings in the shader happened. Can you give more detailed information?