Add a pie menu, quick buttons, and shortcuts for switching between the different node editors.
Accessible in the Node Editor, the pie menu is an easy way to switch between different node editors with a single click.
The Quick Access Buttons are available at the top right of the Node Editor header and can be enabled in the addon preferences.
: Geometry Node Editor2
: Shader Node Editor3
: World Node Editor4
: Compositor Node EditorThis extension does not require special permissions.
Actual review: I love this, it's a great plugin i use all the time and should be standard(at least the quick access buttons). I don't mess with any other switcher as this is suffice and doesn't have a mess of settings that mess with keymaps.(just E 1234) Rating this just to say, Please add a screenshot of the "Quick Access button" I was in a predicament with installing the newest blender and had to reset all my addons and god it took my ass atleast 20 minutes trying to figure out that this was infact the plugin i was looking for to reinstall lmao.
I use this all the time, its a must have