I'm maybe doing something wrong but I'm getting baked down key frames on every frame. Reading "Doesn't use built-in baking, just copy-pastes all keyframes from selected strips quickly." I thought that meant you'd end up with the same result as if you copy-pasted your keyframes across NLA strips, and that's not the case here, or? I really really need the ability to merge NLA strips without baking and still work on the curves which I was hoping I could do with this extension.
I dont understand what you mean by "Right Click Menu" The only option I can find is in the menu opend by the "w" key. Maybe I have different key commands? Anyway, This is baking the NLA strips together and creating keyframes at every single frame. If there is an option that simply copy and pastes existing key frames from several NLA strips into a new strip... I am unable to find that option.