The best and easy to use blender addon so far. thanks for this amazing addon!
Good - but doesn't work at all well with a Wacom pad. For example the Bevel value increases to a huge size when the cursor leaves the UI.
Extended support for tablets and other input devices is in our backlog and will be addressed in a future version of ND :)
cuando veia a las personas de youtube hacer sus hard surfaces pense que usaban herramientas que ellos mismo hicieron y me sorprendia la rapidez con la que trabajaban, ahora con esta herramienta mi workflow mejorara muchisimo
When you use one shortcut differently based on the modelling mode. really saves time
So useful!!
Hey there, Thanks for creating this awesome addon and sharing it with the community for free. I want to ask for a few feature requests, Is it possible to add the mirror modifier like in hard-ops, a preview gizmo to select the axis, & also instead of a new mirror modifier every single time it would be nice to have multiple axes in a single modifier when necessary. Also finally it would be nice to have an option to add even more modifiers from the ND menu.
These are not criticisms, the addon is already great for being free it would make it easier to switch completely to ND with more features.
The font size of ND is really small, how do I make it bigger?
In Preferences -> Addons -> ND look for the UI Overlay DPI
to change the scale of the interactive overlay.
I hope there is a method to fix this problem, The issue is that If I want to continually press the F key to fill an entire area around two cycles, this addon will continue to display the menu. Thank you!
There are a couple of options. One is to rebind the Fast menu to a different shortcut (via ND preferences or Blender's keymap settings), or you can rebind the F2 add-on (or the Blender built-in) operator to a different key, such as Shift + F.
Otherwise, if both are bound to the F key, you must tap F twice to fill a face or create an edge while in edit mode; there's no other way around it at this point.
Absolutely amazing addon I have been waiting for something like this!
Very polished, amazing addon!
Very useful Addon