Simple but very convenient add-on with a well-though interface. Makes blocking the basic elements of a scene and iterating on it a breeze.
The "convert to cube" function doesn't appear on my end, maybe there's a conflict with my specific Blender config or my other add-ons.
Certainly, the 'convert to cube' option is no longer displayed in the object menu or context menu... All features related to modern primitives are located in the N-Panel. For the time being, you will need to manually register the shortcut keys from there (if you need).
Nice add-on, but I have not found out how to use the UV unwrap option with the modifiers,
UV mapping options are located in the UV panel at the bottom of the Geometry Modifier for ModernPrimitive. Currently, users cannot freely perform UV unwrapping. Since UV coordinates are stored as attributes rather than vertex information of the model, please use the Attribute node in the shader to retrieve and use the coordinates.
It works like the primitives + edit poly from 3ds Max, which enables multiple tests without the undos!
まずこのような素晴らしいアドオンを作ってくださったことに感謝します。 私はCINEMA 4Dを長年使っていたため、Blenderで同じような体験ができることは非常に喜ばしいです。
いくつかの非破壊のプリミティブ制作アドオンがありますが、私はこれが一番使いやすいです。 特にUV展開が美しく気に入っています。
現状でも十分に素晴らしいですが以下の機能が搭載されると私はより喜びます。 ・メッシュのサイズを変えた後に、UVマップを再生成するボタン(現在はマテリアル設定後にリサイズすると引き延ばされてしまいます。) ・ピボットの位置を、メッシュの最下部に設定するボタン(ND Primitivesアドオンが今の所良い動きをします)
First of all, thank you for creating such a wonderful add-on.
I've been using CINEMA 4D for many years, so I'm very happy to have a similar experience with Blender.
There are several non-destructive primitive production add-ons, but I think this is the easiest to use.
I especially like the beautiful UV development.
It's great enough in the current situation, but I'm more happy if the following functions are installed.
・After changing the size of the mesh, the button to regenerate the UV map (currently, if you resize after setting the material, it will be dragged out.)
・Button to set the position of the pivot at the bottom of the mesh (the ND Primitives add-on does a good move so far)
Finally! I don't have to experiment a million times with different primitive settings!
it's good but can you add gizmo for more control
This is a great addon, enabling you to block out and change the resolution on primitive shapes quickly with more procedural workflows (similar to C4D, Maya etc.).
The main update I would like to see somehow is being able to apply auto-smooth on the primitive without having to convert to mesh.
A very useful add-on, thank you! I'd be happy if there was a Quad-Sphere also. And it would be great if the unit of measure for height/radius etc. could use ‘distance’ as a subtype option. Hope that's something that might be added in future updates :)
I'm making this addon while learning geometry node. I had no idea what the subtypes were until now, but now I know. I will address this in the near future.
Amazing! A real step up for the workflow
Very usefull! Should be by default
You made me so happy with this add-on! I was planning on making 3D printed fidgets and the gears and springs are going to be extremely useful. thank you!