Some Modern Primitive for Non-Destructive modeling...
UV-Coord generation supported.
Shortcut key(Ctrl + Alt + X) to focus Modern Primitive modifier (to manipulate primitive)
This applies the results of the geometry node modifier to the mesh and hides the modifier.
This extension requests the following permission:
Import Geometry-Node from Add-on Directory
UV mapping options are located in the UV panel at the bottom of the Geometry Modifier for ModernPrimitive. Currently, users cannot freely perform UV unwrapping. Since UV coordinates are stored as attributes rather than vertex information of the model, please use the Attribute node in the shader to retrieve and use the coordinates.
It works like the primitives + edit poly from 3ds Max, which enables multiple tests without the undos!
Nice add-on, but I have not found out how to use the UV unwrap option with the modifiers,