Some Modern Primitive for Non-Destructive modeling...
UV-Coord generation supported.
Shortcut key(Ctrl + Alt + X) to focus Modern Primitive modifier (to manipulate primitive)
This extension requests the following permission:
Import Geometry-Node from Add-on Directory
This is a great addon, enabling you to block out and change the resolution on primitive shapes quickly with more procedural workflows (similar to C4D, Maya etc.).
The main update I would like to see somehow is being able to apply auto-smooth on the primitive without having to convert to mesh.
A very useful add-on, thank you! I'd be happy if there was a Quad-Sphere also. And it would be great if the unit of measure for height/radius etc. could use ‘distance’ as a subtype option. Hope that's something that might be added in future updates :)
I'm making this addon while learning geometry node. I had no idea what the subtypes were until now, but now I know. I will address this in the near future.
it's good but can you add gizmo for more control