Blender-Maze-Generator A comprehensive Maze generator for Blender 4.2
Please note folks, if you observe the console while using extensions, the extension will still report itself as version 0.2.3 when generating each maze, this is because the actual code for version 0.2.3 was not touched at all when updating to 0.2.4 - To change the invalid website address I had to push a new version and decided not to change the print statement as I didn't need to edit the code, only a .toml file associated with it.
Description: The Maze Generator is a Blender add-on designed to create customizable, random maze meshes within Blender. This tool is ideal for users in game development, architectural visualization, or artistic projects who need to quickly generate complex mazes with various configurations.
Features: Random Maze Generation: Generate mazes with customizable dimensions and properties. Users can adjust parameters such as rows, columns, cell size, and wall height to vary the complexity and size of the maze.
Solidify Modifier: Optionally apply a solidify modifier to give thickness to maze walls, enhancing the 3D appearance.
Bevel Modifier: Optionally apply a bevel modifier to smooth out the edges of the maze walls, providing a more polished look.
Advanced Configuration Options: Includes settings for random seed input, allowing users to reproduce specific mazes consistently. Additional controls for deleting isolated sections ("islands") of the maze and adjusting the complexity through iterations.
Real-time Updates: Adjust maze parameters in real-time from the Blender UI, with immediate visual feedback in the 3D view.
How to Use:
Install the add-on in Blender. Navigate to the Sidebar > Create tab in the 3D View. Adjust the maze parameters in the Maze Generator panel located at the bottom left of the viewport:
Rows and Columns: Adjust the subdivision level of the grid on the X and Y axis to control the number of walls.
Cell Size: Modifies the overall size of the maze.
Wall Height: Controls the height of the maze walls.
Click the "Generate Maze" button to create new mazes with your current settings.
Further customize the generated maze by modifying materials or applying additional Blender modifiers for enhanced visual effects.
Compatibility: Blender 4.1+ (Untested on earlier versions)
What Changed:
Re-added "website" field to the blender_manifest.toml to update website.
This extension does not require special permissions.
Thank you for the review Thomas.
Very useful
Nice extension, review see