An add-on that makes light exclusion more user-friendly
You can decide(Support lighting and shadows):
Light Link| which object/Collection should be illuminated by the light
Object Link| Which light does the object receive illumination from
Objects with light and material Emission channel intensity>0 will be automatically recognized
If you encounter any problems or have any good ideas, you can leave a message on our Discord channel.
Fix: emission search algorithm
This extension does not require special permissions.
With the changes mentioned here in the reviews and more (smaller icons) this will be the missing link for LightLinking. For me it sits right under the Photographer addon. Can't wait for the next update...🤝
The new version is already being tested and adjustments are currently being made to the UX. Perhaps we can see it next week
Wow just what i needed, thanks looking forward to new updates :D Makes the Light linking feature actually exciting