Lead Edge Maze Ash Creator
Generate Surgical 3D Mazes within Blender.
Lead Edge Shard Runner: https://www.dartmeadow.com/lead-edge-shard-runner
Email Support: Animation@dartmeadow.studio
[ To fix the issue with the black inner lead Edge Maze walls in earlier versions, go into edit mode (tab key), select all vertices then press m for the pop-up menu and select (merge by distance). ]
[ To create your openings, you will need to solve the path with the solve function then bore open the perimeters at the ends of the path. ]
Surface Contour Tutorial by Blender Secrets: https://youtu.be/cX4uOUuKv9M?si=peWJu46k7K8UtfsB
Future Plans are to include geometry nodes and svg support that will additionally support shader networks allowing you to build your own custom Ai Lead Edge Ash Tree Reflex Neural Network by means of geometry node generation. The result will be your own proprietary Neural Network Artificial Intelligence so as long as you abide by the orders of operations found in the Autumn Documentation here: https://github.com/DART-Edge-AI/Autumn/blob/main/Autumn.pdf or here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRyAPn8hO7YrJSUkMqDv-5x7wSJQQnNXQhxhQGJt_017i1yFtsB9TtSlmlLyKOuLAD0WIUiVsdgv7Dc/pubhtml
This is a big plan so input is welcome.
Vertex cleanup is automatic so you should have a nice shade-able mesh object when you're done you as well can solidify the mesh objects after you're done generating by selecting the object and then using the new solidify feature in the Lead Edge menu. Currently in the works is the same logic to generate on the contour of a surface which is not too far away so stay tuned.
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