The most request feature is now available! The new Operator Auto Sync will automatically switch the Master Index when the user navigate between viewports!!
The panels was revamped, now everything looks Clean.
The addon was reorganized, the code looks cleaner now.
Some Options as Clip Star, Clip End, Adjust View Distance and Focal Length was moved to the Sync View Option (Subpanel).
The error of some Operators and Panels not having a prefix is now Fixed.
All the addon has been revised, the panels have been cleaned and better organized, new options have been added, and now the user can choose which viewport will be synced.
1.0.5 Release Notes:
23/06/2024: The issue with the real-time sync being cancelled when pressing Right Mouse Click is now fixed.
Release Notes:
20/06/2024: Version 1.0 Release for Blender 4.2+ and Blender 4.1 and Inferior (Legacy Addon)