Thank you for the report! I'll fins a place to bug reports on future (maybe GitHub if i learn how that works haha) I fixed these issues and also made some upgrades for the addon in general. Hope you like of the new features and I'm glad that this tool is useful for you!!
great addon just one request, please add the ability to have the real-time sync/Master ID sync with the 'active' viewport! As of now i coooulld create some python script that'd just read the active viewport and inject this into the project with drivers and/or custom variables etc but, i ain't tryna do all that lol
thank you a lot! I'm glad this is useful for your need. I am trying to add this functionality but I am having issues with such feature, i hope i can solve this issue or make a workaround for have a quick switch for the master viewport.
This is ALMOST perfect! Thanks so much for creating this addon.
My only request for perfection: allow for an automatic option that sets the viewport that the user happens to be navigating in as the master.
So instead of forcing the user to choose a master viewport, could you please add an additional checkbox option that automatically switches the master viewport to the one that the user is interacting with?
Again, thank you for creating this addon.
Thank you! I am trying to add such functionality but it is quite difficulty for me to make it work properly, maybe I can add one operator to set the Current viewport as Master, so when you switch the viewport you can call this new operator to restart the sync with the current viewport as master, do you think this can be a good addition?
Hey Robert, not sure how to get in contact with you. I had made a similar plugin in the past but I haven't been updating it after some updates broke the functionality. It allowed some offsets in the view, albeit it was buggy if both tagged viewports didn't start on xy, xz, or yz planes at the start of syncing. I could pass the script to you if you want to get in touch, the code fell out of date but maybe you could yoink some bits out of it or get inspiration to try to incorporate that feature. It would allow you / users to tag what viewports they'd specifically want synchronized.
hey Tyler! thats cool! i'll appreciate if you share it to be added into this addon, it would benefit people. you can reach me via Email at or try to find me by my name in instgram or discord!
Excellent add-on! This is helping me a lot. One suggest: would it be possible to exclude certain viewports from continuous sync? E.g., I'd like to ideally have two windows in sync while one stays constant.
I'm glad this tool is helping you! Yeah of course! I have good news, I'm already working on such feature what allow you to choose what viewport will be in sync, also a easier way to set the Master viewport, sync the Local View to all 3D views and etc. I think one more week (maybe 2 due the lack of time) it will be released! Please, if you have any more features idea can you share with me?
I love this Lock Active! Thank you.
Thank you!! I have good news, a new version is available now for download, the Lock Rotation was improved and now you can choose in a menu which viewport will be lockd! also, you can clean the Locked view and have shading controls with a easy access!!
Very useful when checking the viewport render with tabs for controlling/viewing without painfully navigating the rendered viewport (lag).
Thank you!! I'm glad this is useful for your needs and makes your life easier!!
Great addon especially if you work with 2 viewports.
However this addon creates 2 console prints and I dunno how to report any bug on Gumroad.
register_class(...): Warning: 'view3d.sync_lock_view_master' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix register_class(...): Warning: 'view3d.view_sync_panel' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix