For support please reach me in my E-Mail: (a proper place for it will be available in a near future)
Allow the user to Match all the selected view from the Available Views List only once, not a live syncing. (If nothing happens, please refresh the Available View List first)
Allow the user to constantly sync all the selected views from the Available View List. All the views will be masked as True by default. While this option is running the View List will be refreshed constantly.
This will be the index of the Viewport that will control all the other views marked as True in the Available View List. Note that the index of the view not always is logical. For to know what is the index of the view what you are in, please use the button Identify View, or, in the desired Viewport, use the Button Set Current as Master.
The Refresh Rate is how often the selected viewports will be updated, the lower the value, the faster they will be updated. Note: As it will make a constant update on Blender Viewport the Gizmos of Move, Rotate and Scale will not work as expected, if you want to use the Transform Gizmos while the Real-Time Sync is on choose a higher Refresh Rate.
This option when On, will automatically switch the Master View index, allowing the user to navigate between the Viewports and Syncing the other ones always.
This option will set the Master View index based where this button was pressed.
The list will be Populated with the Available Views, if the user have other windows with 3D Views they will also be shown in the List.
This will show a pop-up with the Viewport Index and the Window of where the button was pressed.
if for any reason nothing is shown in the Available Views List, use this button to force the Refresh for the List.
This is an upgraded operator that works as the default one from Blender, the difference is that it will also set the Selected Objects in Local View mode in all Views at once. If the *Keep Lights* Boolean is on, this will keep the Visible Lights in the scene while Isolating an object.
These options control what will be updated in the Synced Views.
Input Fields:
Adjust View Distance: It is a multiplier that allows the user control how much ‘zoom’ will have on the controlled Views, this is useful when the aspect ratio of the controlled view is different from the Master View.
Clip Start | End: Default Blender view clipping - "Clip Start/End adjusts the minimum and maximum distance range to limit the visible range to the area between two planes that are orthogonal to the viewing direction of the viewport camera. Objects outside this range will not be shown." - Blender Manual*
Focal Length: Blender's default option - "Control the focal length of the 3D Viewport camera in millimeters, unlike a rendering camera." Blender Manual*
Local View: This is an upgraded operator that works as the default one from Blender, the difference is that it will also set the Selected Objects in Local View mode in all Views at once.
Boolean Buttons:
The list will be Populated with the Available Views, if the user have other windows with 3D Views they will also be shown in the List. For each view in the list the user is able to lock the desired Viewport in the Predefined Views as: Top, Bottom, Right, Left Front and Back, Camera or the Matching View of the Master Viewport (same as the default Blender Numerical Pad 1, 3, 7 and etc.)
This will show a pop-up with the Viewport Index and the Window of where the button was pressed.
if for any reason nothing is shown in the Available Views List, use this button to force the Refresh for the List.
It will ‘clean’ the view that is Locked, the header, default gizmos and overlays will be disabled, they appear again when you click the button once more.
Show in the Locked Viewport the following buttons: Toggle Solid Shading; Toggle Material Shading; Toggle Render Preview; Shading Menu Popover; Set Camera View; Move the View and Zoom in/out.
The most request feature is now available! The new Operator Auto Sync will automatically switch the Master Index when the user navigate between viewports!!
The panels was revamped, now everything looks Clean.
The addon was reorganized, the code looks cleaner now.
Some Options as Clip Star, Clip End, Adjust View Distance and Focal Length was moved to the Sync View Option (Subpanel).
The error of some Operators and Panels not having a prefix is now Fixed.
This extension does not require special permissions.
Thank you for the report! I'll fins a place to bug reports on future (maybe GitHub if i learn how that works haha) I fixed these issues and also made some upgrades for the addon in general. Hope you like of the new features and I'm glad that this tool is useful for you!!
great addon just one request, please add the ability to have the real-time sync/Master ID sync with the 'active' viewport! As of now i coooulld create some python script that'd just read the active viewport and inject this into the project with drivers and/or custom variables etc but, i ain't tryna do all that lol
thank you a lot! I'm glad this is useful for your need. I am trying to add this functionality but I am having issues with such feature, i hope i can solve this issue or make a workaround for have a quick switch for the master viewport.
This is ALMOST perfect! Thanks so much for creating this addon.
My only request for perfection: allow for an automatic option that sets the viewport that the user happens to be navigating in as the master.
So instead of forcing the user to choose a master viewport, could you please add an additional checkbox option that automatically switches the master viewport to the one that the user is interacting with?
Again, thank you for creating this addon.
Thank you! I am trying to add such functionality but it is quite difficulty for me to make it work properly, maybe I can add one operator to set the Current viewport as Master, so when you switch the viewport you can call this new operator to restart the sync with the current viewport as master, do you think this can be a good addition?
Great addon especially if you work with 2 viewports.
However this addon creates 2 console prints and I dunno how to report any bug on Gumroad.
register_class(...): Warning: 'view3d.sync_lock_view_master' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix register_class(...): Warning: 'view3d.view_sync_panel' does not contain 'PT' with prefix and suffix