This version adds compatibility with Blender 4.3 grease pencil. The smoothing and step factors are replaced with a button to invoke the grease pencil smoothing modifier (which can be adjusted in the 'Modifier Properties' panel.
IMPORTANT: you need to 'apply' the smoothing modifier prior to converting to curve since it's a non-destructive modifier.
***For earlier Blender versions, please use version 0.1.2 of the addon.
Added the "Grease Pencil" tag in the blender_manifest.toml file.
When converting grease pencil strokes to hair curves that have a non-round circumference, it works best when each stroke is drawn vertically with respect to the viewport and parallel to the hair base surface. This will reduce the amount of 'twisting' needed to lay the hair flat against the surface. This assumes you're using the 'surface' for the stroke placement value. This is demonstrated in the YouTube overview for the add-on: