It has potential but I think it can be improved in some ways.
The pie-menu operates a bit odd: I'd prefer to hit hotkey and then it stays open until you either hover away or hit escape key.
I think it should 'go to' (i.e. frame) the selected favorite by default. There's still uses cases for just selecting the object, but in most cases I believe you actually want to 'go' to the object for further editing.
It would be great if the viewport camera position was (re)stored as well.
I also think there's a missed opportunity not defaulting to CTR + ALT + RMB for adding objects.
It has potential but I think it can be improved in some ways.
The pie-menu operates a bit odd: I'd prefer to hit hotkey and then it stays open until you either hover away or hit escape key.
I think it should 'go to' (i.e. frame) the selected favorite by default. There's still uses cases for just selecting the object, but in most cases I believe you actually want to 'go' to the object for further editing.
It would be great if the viewport camera position was (re)stored as well.
I also think there's a missed opportunity not defaulting to CTR + ALT + RMB for adding objects.