I couldn't find this functionality in Blender, so I made this addon for the Graph Editor to solve it. It filters X, Y, Z for Translations, Euler/Quaternion* Rotations and Scales.
*Quaternion rotations comes non active by default, go to add-on preferences to activate it.
Added buttons to hide and unhide curves instead of default keymaps, made them for users who are not familiar with blender keymaps. You can use Shift+LMB to make multiple selections and Ctrl+LMB to subtract multiple selections.
Have fun :)
-Added support for Blender 4.4 -Fixed invoke error
This extension does not require special permissions.
Thanks a lot for this gift. Reminds me of the channel selection in Maya. But... I couldn't find the Quaternion channels. For example, to animate a walk cycle, you need to use the Quaternion orientation to rotate the arms correctly. This would be the best addon for quick animation in Blender with such a feature! Please help me!
I don't know when I'll have time to look into it, because I don't want to add more buttons to the current layout, but I'll try to create a check somewhere to change the euler ones for Quaternion as option when needed if you need them so badly :)
Very useful, I use it every day
First of all, thank you very much for creating such a great plugin. Thank you. Then I found some problems. For example, this plugin seems to be unusable in blender 4.4. When I use it, an error will occur, such as Python: RuntimeError: could not create instance of GRAPH_OT_select_y_location_channel to call callback function 'invoke'
It will display the above. Can you help to modify it? Thank you very much