If you ever wanted to see the cursor's axes more clearly or to have a gizmo for easier manipulation, here they are. You'll have two separate presets; use any or both, and toggle between them with a shortcut, a button on a panel, or a pie menu. Adjust them to fit your needs: change colors and sizes, choose the desired behavior for each preset, define visibility in separate areas, link with the 3D cursor, or use it instead of the cursor.
If enabled, makes Undo and Redo work for your 3D cursor too. For the sake of simplicity, this function only considers changes in these three parameters: Cursor's Location, Euler Rotation and Rotation Mode. Changes in its Quaternion and Axis Rotations are ignored due to their redundancy, cursor-wise.
Change detection has a tiny (~0.3 sec) delay to filter out unnecessary transformations. So, if you attempt a 'rapid' cursor placement (more than 3 per second), probably only the last one will be detected. This limitation does not apply to Undo and Redo operations themselves.
PLUS Operators are intended to streamline your workflow by providing easy access to default Blender operators that have been slightly tweaked to work with reference to the 3D Cursor. They work both in 'Object' and 'Edit' modes, and some of the operators have modifiers that can alter their default behavior if 'SHIFT' or 'ALT' is held prior to calling them.
Move your 3D cursor with the 'Snap' option enabled and a separate 'Snap List', independent from your global snap options.
Move the selection along the 3D cursors axes. The default is the Z axis.
Pivot the selection around the 3D cursor.
Scale the selection using the 3D cursor as a transform point.
Copy the rotation of the 3D cursor to the selected object(s).
Clear the 3D cursor rotation, location, or both(by deafult).
Override the current Transform Orientation and/or Pivot Point to 'Cursor'. It is possible to assign to the pie menu a callable 'Override' panel with 3 separate buttons, or to use the 'Override' as a single button with two available modifiers:
SHIFT: Override Transform Orientation.
ALT: Override Pivot Point.
By default, it will do both.
Changed the approach for shortcuts: added the placeholders for 'PLUS Ops', 'Align Rotation' and for separate snap elements. Now they might be set once and will work in all editors. The Keymap Tab in Addon Preferences was slightly reworked according to the new changes.
Added modifiers for three operators, altering their behavior if 'SHIFT' and/or 'ALT' was held when the operator was called (inspired by MACHIN3tools):
Specific details are listed in the description of these operators.
Added 'INFO' messages (in the status bar) for 'Align Rotation', 'Toggle snap element', 'Clear Cursor' and 'Snap Cursor' operators to complement the changes mentioned above.
Expanded the Gizmo availability to other editors besides 'Object' and "Edit'.
Fixed 'Cursor Undo'. In some cases it was partially undoing the last object transformation, if the object origin(location or orientation) were just changed while in 'Edit' mode.
Minor text and tag adjustments.
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Save/Load gizmo presets and Pie menu configuration
Great little addon, thanks! But I found some strange behavior (mesh moving) when using "3D Viewport Pie Menus" extension with your addon enabled. I created an issue on Github about that.
Thank you for the feedback! 1.0.3 is out now, and this behavior was fixed.
The visualisation is much improved, and the ability to use a gizmo to move the 3d cursor has proven useful too!