I hope the preset switch button can be placed on the right side to facilitate switching between different presets.
2, the large "old TV" pattern, the buttons and patterns on both sides of it have no effect, if not deleted, then after the color, you can also change the color. For example, if I use the decoloring function, the top pattern will also change. Or you can customize the pattern.
3, can customize the sort of color module, which is commonly used, I drag to the top, which is not commonly used I hide at the bottom.
2, the large "old TV" pattern, the buttons and patterns on both sides of it have no effect, if not deleted, then after the color, you can also change the color. For example, if I use the decoloring function, the top pattern will also change. Or you can customize the pattern. 3, can customize the sort of color module, which is commonly used, I drag to the top, which is not commonly used I hide at the bottom. 1、希望能把预设切换按钮,都放在右边,方便来回切换不同预设。 2、超大的“老式电视机”图案,它左右两边的按钮和图案没有作用,,如果不删除,那就调色后,也能跟着改变颜色。比如我用了去色功能,最上方的图案也会跟着改变。或者可以自定义修改图案。 3、能自定义排序调色模块,哪些常用,我就拖到最上面,哪些不常用我就隐藏在最下面。