i don't usually rate things - but this is legit. thank you!
There is a repair request regarding the solution to displaying garbled non English directory paths: I have written the code for you: just: 有一个修复请求,关于非英文目录路径显示为乱码的解决方案 : 代码我帮您写好了:只需要:
def tag_callback(self, context): global items1 items1 = []
tags = {}
for f in bpy.context.selected_assets:
for tag in f.metadata.tags:
tags[tag.name] = True
output = []
i = 0
for tag in tags.keys():
output.append((tag, tag, "", i))
i += 1
items1 = output
return items1
def item_callback(self, context):
global items
items = []
output = [("", "Catalog", "", 0),
("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Unassigned", "", 0)]
if bpy.context.space_data.params.asset_library_reference == "ALL":
return [("", "Select a catalog other than 'All'", "", 0)]
directory = context.space_data.params.directory
d = str(directory).split('\'')
directory = d[1]
cat = open(os.path.join(str(directory), "blender_assets.cats.txt"))
cats = cat.readlines()
i = 1
for line in cats:
if line[0:1] == "#":
if line.strip() == "":
if line[0:7] == "VERSION":
data = line.split(":")
output.append((data[0], data[1], "", i))
i += 1
# print('output:_yn_:',output)
return items
The add-on looks great but it does not work at all on Mac OS Blender 4.3.2. Whenever I try to move un object into another Asset Browser library I get an empty list.