Thanks for the addon! I put 5 stars, because I want to believe that this addon will become a worker. I really lack the function of the templates/placeholder in the output path. But, unfortunately, the addon does not work as it should. I created 2 tags: <cam> -, and <sc> - If you insert one of them in the output field, it works. If you insert both, then it does not work. The output path looks like this C:\tmp<sc><cam> I render 2 frames of animation and receive such a message to "Render error (Invalid argument) cannot save: 'C:\tmp\scene_test_<cam>_0001.jpg". Only 1 tag is work ("scene_test" is the name of the scene). And it works only if 1 tag is spelled out in the settings, if 2 tags are spelled out, and only 1 tag is inserted in the output path field, it also gives an error. Blender version 4.2
Hello, Thanks for the 5 stars, I just uploaded a new version, hope it works fine now, let me know if there still are issues with the addon.
Thanx! Nice and very simple addon! Working through pre- and post- render handlers! No docs needed, basically theres only one option for editing.
While the idea is great, the documentation is very lacking and only ones tag get's resolved.
Hello, Thanks for the review, I just made a new version and I am trying to update the addon description, let me know what are the information missing if it is still the case.
Probably the site will mess-up this extract of the Blender log, making it almost unreadable...
The point is that PathMaker is a great idea, very usefull in professinal production, but somehow it doesn't work as expected. Unfortunately this page and this site is not the best option for bug report and communications between users and the author. For instance, I can't even edit this comment once posted. Thus, I'll give all 5 star to this product, because I believe in its potential. But at present it's not working as intended. At least not on my Blender 4.2.
I hope the author, Thornydre, will aknowledge this comment, in order to fix the issue.
------ HERE FOLLOWS THE ERROR LOG ------ (I hope this "smart" thing will not interfere with my formatting choice, but I'm sure it will!)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.config/blender/4.2/extensions/blender_org/blender_path_maker/", line 264, in makePathHandler replacements_dict = generateReplacements() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/user/.config/blender/4.2/extensions/blender_org/blender_path_maker/", line 303, in generateReplacements replacements_dict[replacement.replacement_name] = eval(replacement.script) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
Hello, Sorry for the late update, I just uploaded a new version that should fix your issue, let me know if you are still having a problem with it.
Love the idea, perfect tool for pipelines. But...
I have multiple tags configured, such as: <scene> EXPRESSION <camera> EXPRESSION <render> PATH RENDER_FILES <linetest> PATH LINETEST
If I use the following filename pattern: //<render>/<linetest>/<scene>_<camera>.#.
I get this result (with unresolved tags): <render>/LINETEST/<scene>_<camera>.#.
In other words, only the last tag, in this case <linetest>, gets resolved.
If I change the order in the Preferences' list, I always get the same result: only the last tag.
Not sure what I've made wrong.
Hi, Sorry for the answering so late, I just uploaded a new version that should fix your problem, let me know if it does not work.
How do I get this to work in the File Output node in compositor? 🙏
Hi, I just uploaded a new version, it should work now, let me know if this works for you Cheers !
This addon is exactly what I was looking for, and I was so glad to find it as a listed extension. Thank you! Makes the pipeline and versioning way smoother and aligned with the standards of other CGI and compositing software. I have to say that for me it was a bit cryptic to understand how to use the expression, but thanks to LLMs that was an easy ask. I would love to see the implementation of easy-to-add commonly used expressions. In my case I set up expressions for camera name, scene name, view layer name, filename, and version (last 4 digits of the filename, in my case "_v03" or "_v04" etc.
Only issue I encountered so far is that in one file, all tokens keep being replaced by the expression's result, and so I end up having to manually update every time I reopen the file, which kind of defies the purpose. Haven't really understood why this seem to happen with one specific file yet.