Using this because the real Blender autosave never seems to work. Thanks!
Great peace of mind add-on. I tend to get so into my work I forget to save and I once lost hours of work due to that. This add-on is great especially since you can set your own warning time. So every five minutes my screen goes red and I have to save. It's helped save a lot of data after crashes and such. So overall this add-on provides great peace of mind
I installed this add-on, went back to watching goofy Minecraft youtube and forgot. Looked back at blender and was like "why the heck is it red"... Then I remembered. Really funny, but I probably won't keep using it for long since I have a very excessive 2 minute autosave to /BlTemp/
Ok so this caught me and some else out we created a issue log with blender. Would be good that when the screen is read there is a warning that actually says save your work when completely red. because it took a while for it to realise it wasn't a blender issue lmao it was the worlds best troll and had me scratching my head. i was expecting a pop up with "save your work" but instead i thought that blenders viewport in 4.3 was bugging out lmao.
great addon because it forces you to save. im giving it 5 stars because it managed to put me in a whirlwind. "tips hat" well played sir........well played XD
Good idea! Upgrade to the just-released version 1.5.0 and see it in action :)
HAHAHA I installed this without actually reading the description just saw autosave and was like sweet. Then as I was screen started out pink.....then gradually got deeper and deeper red, was fully expecting my pc to catch on fire or something. Then i couldnt see anything.....went and saved as.....and all clear talk about trolling yourself.
This addon is great. One suggestion though: would be good to add a feature that allows me to temporarily see through the red screen, before saving. It happened to me to have that red screen after not using Blender for a few minutes, and to forget where I was at with my model - CTRL+S completely blindly can be dangerous sometimes
Oooh that's a good idea, I'll see if I can come up with something appropriately annoying but still useful ;-)
Great addon. I wish every editor had this addon.
Great idea, but makes zero sense when your screen turns completely red! its unusable! could we please have a setting where we could turn this overkill of red off? otherwise, it’s a great extension
Not sure if you're serious or not. You can remove the red by simply saving your file.
But if you really want to keep working without saving (which is not what this add-on is about), you can set a longer "full problem time" in the add-on preferences.
Works great! Very helpful prompt and reminder. Thank you for sharing!
really bad about saving, this helps that in the most intrusive yet best way possible
Very simple but is so useful, For those who forget to save their projects for hours.