No more surprises when auto-save doesn't work! If your file hasn't been saved for a while, show a warning. Now You Are Autosave!
Two timeouts can be set:
And yes the only way to get rid of the red (themable, of course) is to actually save your file.
Draw text in the viewport when it gets really red. Just to let people know what's going on, and that it's not Blender glitching. Suggested by Wade Schneider.
This extension does not require special permissions.
I installed this add-on, went back to watching goofy Minecraft youtube and forgot. Looked back at blender and was like "why the heck is it red"... Then I remembered. Really funny, but I probably won't keep using it for long since I have a very excessive 2 minute autosave to /BlTemp/
Great peace of mind add-on. I tend to get so into my work I forget to save and I once lost hours of work due to that. This add-on is great especially since you can set your own warning time. So every five minutes my screen goes red and I have to save. It's helped save a lot of data after crashes and such. So overall this add-on provides great peace of mind