Updated manifest. Version needed incrementing even though it hadn't been published/accepted yet (slight mismatch with version on github that will be resolved for v1)
Implemented tools -- Addon UI: Essentially the equivelent of the MayaTools shelf, a way to interact with the scripts.
-- Xcam import (based on mayacamsv2): import cameras and image planes as exported from XMALab as MayaCamsv2 (v1 not supported)
-- import: can import rigid body transormations to objects, or xyz locations and/or rotations to new or selected objects.
-- axes: create axes at joints, with or without locators.
-- oRel: calculates relative motion between two objects (using axes)
-- jAx: Joint axes integral to some peoples workflows: This can be accomplished through creating axes, then running relative motion.
-- CT Marker export: Exports xyz coordinates of CT markers (or any selected object for that matter)
-- vAvg: Calculates average position of a selection of verticies and puts a locator there (related to the above). Two options - fast and accurate (should be more or less the same in most cases)
-- Export data. Export translation/rotation data from objects, included _data objects created via oRel.