Updated "Website" and "Report Issues" links.
Fixed some bugs
Removed Updator
Added an option to automatically activate the search bar when invoking the popup.
Added an indicator label for class names and function names. This label appears when the text cursor is placed anywhere within the corresponding class or function.
The Find & Replace panel on the text editor sidebar now includes a 'Find Previous' button. This feature cannot be disabled from preferences.
Added an option to automatically activate the find field on the Find & Replace popup. This only works when there is no text selection.
Added an option to retain the last find and replace word when the text selection for finding and replacing is turned on. (Previously, the replace_set_selected and find_set_selected options cleared the find and replace field each time invoke the popup.)
Added an option to reorder Python package scripts. If this option is enabled, it will move all the Python scripts from the Python package to the top of the Open Recent menu.
The "Display folder name for the init.py files" toggle has been directly added to the preferences.