This really made the simple deform modifiers simple to use .Works flawlessly thanks for making it :)
Thank you for your rating. Currently, in order to achieve easy use of the simple deform modifier, two objects are actually being manipulated. So there is still a lack of some twisting and animation functions. They will be added in the upcoming version.
Does what it promises, useful stuff.
Thank you, feel free to raise any issues on GitHub if you have any ideas
This is great. Such a simple thing that makes this modifier actually usable.
Blender desperately needs more visual aids across all modifiers and this is a great example on how to do it.
There are indeed many modifiers worth optimizing. Give me some time and I will comprehensively improve it
Great pices of code
نيـا~! لقد أصبح الأمر أكثر سهولة الآن (إنه يشبه MODO و CINEMA 4D أكثر، نيـا~). في الحقيقة، لم أفهم حتى الآن الطريقة الرسمية للاستخدام، وهذه هي النتيجة التي توصلت إليها بعد مشاهدة الكثير من الفيديوهات على يوتيوب، نيـا~!
وأيضاً، آمل أن يضيف الإصدار القادم ميزة دوران المحور Z، نيـا! سيكون ذلك رائعًا!✨
Very useful plugin. In fact, I have been using it extensively in my projects long before it was listed in the repository. Its simplicity and efficiency have saved me a lot of time, for which I am very grateful! I hope this developer continues to create more high-quality plugins day and night! Much appreciated.