As one would say: GAMECHANGER! :) xoxo
^ Of course you CAN see this tab at the same time with 'Item' - you can pin it. Or even simplier - you can go to addon preferences and change Tab Category from 'Select' to 'Item' or any other else. It was literally shown and written in the first 43 seconds of a demo. Have you checked it before creating this 'review'?
This add-on is most useful when it's always visible, however you can't see Item tab and the Select tab at the same time, and it's more useful to have the Item tab always visible. This removes almost all the usefulness of the Select tab because of this one design flaw. My other gripe is that it doesn't allow selection of bones, and as an animator, that's what I need the most. If this add-on was rejuvenated to be a screen (like Outliner is) and not a tab, and to also have bone selections with easily created icons for those selections, then this would be a 5-star review from me.
I've been searching for and add-on that could help me select non manifold geometry for ages...this is it!