joel.godin v1.3.2 2 w Works great. Using 4.2.3 Lts. Select face in edit mode, go to object mode, set coverage and height and 'Add Snow'. Works like a charm. After generating it has the snow selected, to try again, re-select the object, not the snow. A++
rapide v1.3.2 2 w I`m on Steam version 4.3.2 too, so I just rolled back version to 4.2.6 (in steam properties) so now it work.
Amin-Alz v1.3.2 1 mo Guys, It's not working on the version 4.3. Is there any way to install this add-on?
Works great. Using 4.2.3 Lts. Select face in edit mode, go to object mode, set coverage and height and 'Add Snow'. Works like a charm. After generating it has the snow selected, to try again, re-select the object, not the snow. A++