Basti42 v1.2.4 3 w The n-panel is very big, a little bit smaller would be nice to have a better overview ACGGIT_LJ replied 2 w It supports calling Pie menu with shortcut keys
Wisdom v1.2.4 2 mo I've always been looking for a quick way to align objects in Blender similar to what we have in Illustrator, and now I've found it! It's very useful, thank you!
Etrawang v1.2.4 2 mo 4.3 version edit mode not work, Does anyone else have this problem? ACGGIT_LJ replied 2 mo Its purpose is to align objects and cannot align mesh
shubhampatilart v1.2.3 2 mo Very Interesting and useful add-on, It will make motion graphic work more faster
very useful!
amazing that this functionality is not built in to Blender