This is an addon that allows you to build your partybots maps in Blender. Partybots is a game on steam that lets you play create games. To create a map in partybots with this plugin you need to click on the tab partybots converter and then press add platform and a dialog box to fill in the peramiters is the defult expt size when you finish creating your map you can select all the parts you want to convert and click Compile marked to clipboard which will give you triggers to paste them into the game mode file located in C:\Users\USER\AppData\LocalLow\Party Bots\Party Bots\GameModes. When you paste the compiled into the file make sure it is after [triggers]
Usses the new way to add platfors(layouts) and it will automaticly add [platforms] so you can just past it in a project
This extension requests the following permission:
To write the compiled output to the clipbord