Addressed an issue where installation failed in some environments with the following error: "validating class: Operator.bl_idname expected a string type, not method"
some source code refactoring...
This applies the results of the geometry node modifier to the mesh and hides the modifier.
This is useful when switching flat cubes to torus
Note: In the current implementation, the Z axis is Height and the XY axis is considered Width. In addition, the number of polygon splits remains in the initial setting.
You can switch from the Gizmo menu.
Set the materials as usual.
To specify uv coordinates, please specify the name specified in "uv name" in the shader attribute (default is "UVMap")
Generates uv coordinates according to a fixed rule regardless of the size of the primitive.
Evenly (Slow):
Keep the texel density as constant as possible. As it says "slow", processing takes time.
Please be careful about the number of polygon divisions when using this option.
Scales the primitive according to the distance from the viewpoint to the 3D cursor, keeping the apparent size constant.