Heya. This is implemented to the extent it can be. If your file is unmodified, it won't autosave unnecessarily. However, if your file is modified, the autosave will not mark it as unmodified. So, if you fall asleep directly after saving your file while leaving Blender open, your backups won't get overwritten. Otherwise they will, and I can't change that.
This is almost what I need! If this add-on had an option to create folders if the filepath didn't already exist that would be super helpful!
Basically I want to put autosaves in a folder relative to my blend file like this : "//Backup/" . This is the way the C4D works by default and its pretty artist friendly. Thanks for the Add-on!
I doubt, it overwrites previous autosave, one of my latest autosave couldn't open and I got missing DNA block error (probably due to sudden powercut or crash),but I also couldn't see it's five minutes earlier backup, I mean if latest autosave wasn't complete why wouldn't I be able to see it's previous backup chronologically,instead i am seeing backups as per sessions.
Heya. This should only happen if you set the "Max Backups Per File" user preference to 1. The default is 10. It could also be that your "Save Interval" is too high, as the hard maximum on it is 120, so one save every 2 hours. But the default is every 5 minutes.
Another thing to note is that on Linux, if you use the system /tmp/ folder, it gets wiped when the system is restarted.
But other than that, I'm not sure what the issue could be, as I'm working on a file right now and my backups are being created exactly as configured. If it's not working for you, please submit a bug report here.
很棒的插件,终于摆脱了Blender数字后缀的自动备份了!能添加多个保存路径这个思路超级棒!!! 一个小建议:能不能通过自动检测场景有没有变化,比如在我编辑了场景后才自动保存?
现在问题是:只能根据设定的时间间隔自动保存而忽略了场景是否被编辑过,比如如果我出去吃饭或者睡一觉它就会吧前面保存的文件覆盖了,这样既浪费了磁盘寿命(例如项目文件很大的情况下)又会覆盖掉之前保存的副本(如果我睡着了,那么一觉醒来后所有自动保存的副本的内容将会一模一样) 前面说过,我个人而言很讨厌Blender的数字后缀的备份文件,我只想让它像C4D那样以时间命名备份文件,所以我会将Blender的偏好设置里的“保存&加载”下的“保存版本”设置为0个。