Browse IKEA's catalog of furniture, and import the 3D models used on their website into Blender with a single click.
Note that unfortunately, not all products on ikea's website have a 3D model; currently the only way to know from within the add-on is to click the "import" button and see whether it works or whether you get a 404...
No code changes, just a re-upload with a superfluous temp-file removed
This extension requests the following permissions:
Store downloaded models
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Having access to their models seemed like a good idea, but wouldn't it be better if the browser displayed only what is actually accessible?
That would be better, but IKEA's API doesn't include "3D model exists or not" in the search results -- the only way to know is to try downloading it and see if we get a model or an error :(
Very cool add-on though plenty of 3D models are missing, even though they show up on Ikeas website, at least in my country (Denmark)
Can you give an example of a product that shows up on the Denmark website but not in the add-on? If you go to "Blender -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> IKEA Browser" and change your country / language codes to match the website, do they show up?
thanks! works perfect in blender 4.3